Cambs & Hunts County Pairs 2008 / 2009

The green-pointed final of the County's premier pairs event. The leading three pairs will represent the county in the Corwen. Qualifying heats will be held in clubs. The final was held at Trumpington on Sunday 8th February 2009.

Winners: Pat Atkin & Graham Clarke

          County Pairs Final : 8 February 2009

     PLACE  NUMBER    %    LP'S   greens
       1       7    57.74          5.25      Pat Atkin & Graham Clarke
       2      14    56.31   62     4.00      Rod Oakford & Victor Milman
       3      13    55.95  115     3.25      Catherine Curtis & Paul Fegarty
       4       4    54.88  143     2.75      Chris Larlham & Grzegorz Konopko
       5       6    54.40  146     2.50      Kevin Smith & Joanne Caldwell
       6      21    53.69  149     2.25      Derek Oxbrow & Peter Somerfield
       7       8    53.33  152     2.00      Fred Allen & David Carmichael
       8       2    52.02  155     1.75      Neil Matthews & Verity Joubert
       9      10    51.31  158     1.50      Jonathan Mestel & Julian Wightwick
      10      19    50.60  161     1.25      Ross Midgley & Christopher Waites
      11       1    50.24  164     1.00      Colin Campbell & Vic Wood
      12      20    49.40  167     0.75      Audrey Stenner & Eileen Gardiner
      13      15    49.05  170     0.50      Gladys Gittins & Paul Bond
      14      18    48.81  173     0.25      Mike Seaver & Peter Morgan
      15      17    48.45  176               Mary Knights & Terry Knights
      16      11    48.33  154               John Pearce & Richard Lyons
      17       9    47.86  132               Shirley Rainbow & Julie Robinson
      18       5    46.90  110               John Lambden & Michael Krause
      19      22    46.79   88               Vera Donert & Ted Shaw
      20      12    42.86   66               Brenda Jones & Philip Jones
      21      16    41.90   44               Tristan Williams & Trevor Martin
      22       3    39.40   22               Maura Green & Peter Dixon

Organised by:

Dave Harrison
61 Harlestones Rd,

Tel: 01954 250332