Right on at Brighton
by Chris Jagger
After ten days of playing, talking, eating and sleeping
bridge, you should be ready for the following hands. Please
excuse the fact that in some cases we've got you into a mess -
it's your job to get out of them!
1NT |
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2![c](c.gif) |
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2![h](h.gif) |
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4![h](h.gif) |
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We start with a straightforward elimination. For no
apparent reason your partner has catapulted you into game, but
fortunately you would have accepted his invitation anyway, so
rather than wondering how long this partnership is likely to
last, you concentrate on the play. The defence start with three
rounds of spades, and presumably you throw a club. Stop to plan
the play. Cash two rounds of hearts, cross to the clubs,
finesse the diamond, and eventually you exit in the third
trump. East either has to give you a ruff and discard, or lead
away from his queen.
2![d](d.gif) |
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2NT |
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3![c](c.gif) |
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3![s](s.gif) |
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4![s](s.gif) |
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Not long afterwards, you reach a more respectable game and
West leads the
4. This is a classic
situation, often overlooked. It seems as if perhaps the
contract will depend on a heart honour being onside. In fact,
with the diamond ace marked as being wrong, you should lead a
low diamond to the jack early on, and build up a discard for a
heart. If you finesse the heart early on, a diamond will come
back to the queen, then another heart through and ...
Well, you can still make it by going up with the ace and
continuing diamonds. Perhaps you can count West's hand, but
except on a heart lead, there's no need to set yourself this
problem. Incidentally, even had East held
Q, you could still squeeze him eventually in
, after ruffing the
third diamond.
1![s](s.gif) |
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2![c](c.gif) |
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2![s](s.gif) |
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4![s](s.gif) |
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K is lead against your cold
game. This hand is all about pairs play, and is a good
illustration of the opportunities to be grasped if you are on
the ball. You draw four rounds of trumps, then four rounds of
clubs, throwing two hearts away. West departs with his clubs,
before throwing a diamond and the
whilst East throws a couple of hearts. Now rather than leading
to the
K, you play a heart from dummy,
throwing a diamond from hand endplaying West. Not so easy to
do, but if you believe a likely count signal from East, the
whole hand becomes transparent - if only you are awake to what
is happening! (If you are now complaining that the defence was
poor, and that West should have kept another heart you are
missing the point - this is about real life!)
2![h](h.gif) |
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You're a tired defender this time. The
K was taken with the ace, and the
Q run to your ace ("Perhaps I should have ducked?!" you
muse sleepily.) You switch to a heart to the king and ace, and
another diamond comes back. Declarer wins and draws trumps.
Next he plays a spade up. Are you on the ball? Yes you say -
you must duck it, otherwise a diamond will go away on the
spade. Exactly right - declarer is marked with a 2641 shape.
Sorry, but you've missed the point. If you duck then declarer
will ruff a club back to hand, dropping your queen, and then
lead another spade up, hoping to sneak it past you. In fact he
unwittingly endplays you. You should instead insert the
J on the first round of spades. Declarer
then seizes the chance to go wrong, playing a spade to his nine
and your ace, and you can exit with
and are now due for a diamond at the end.
3![s](s.gif) |
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West leads a top diamond and switches to a heart. You win
and exit in a diamond. Another heart comes through, which you
ruff. A diamond is ruffed and overruffed, a spade being
returned. Why should you rise with the ace? You might be
thinking that the reason West hasn't played three rounds of
diamonds himself is because he doesn't want to reveal that his
partner cannot overruff dummy. Hence play him for a singleton
king. In fact, there is a better reason - if East has
KQx then you endplay him with another spade -
he cannot afford to lead away from hearts or clubs. (Maybe you
should have cashed the ace of spades first?)
2![h](h.gif) |
3![h](h.gif) |
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3NT |
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This is an appeals room problem. Before East's final pass,
he hesitated some time, and the director has ruled that the
lead found at the table - a heart - was possibly influenced by
the hesitation, so you're now playing on a diamond lead. Insert
the ten, and run the clubs. West is caught - he can throw a
diamond, but then has to release two hearts. You exit in hearts
and the defence can never play spades or diamonds without
giving you your ninth trick. In fact, eventually (on the fourth
heart) West is squeezed before dummy - he either releases a
spade or a second diamond, and either way there are nine