As Mercury moves into Capricorn, no trump contracts should be avoided. Consider cashing your aces. Beware of grandmasters playing a complicated forcing pass system.
A pre-empt on a singleton could cause a swing. Lucky card: ace of trumps.
With Pluto retrograde, check your bank balance before redoubling. Heart bids may not be what they seem.
He who hesitates is lost: beware of tall dark strangers carrying books. Lucky defence to 1NT: Cansino.
A surprise on Thursday when your partner gives up the game and sues you for somewhat more than a year's table money. Try something other than Reverse Polish Club with the next one.
Have you considered underleading a king? I know it's not recommended by the best authorities, but if you never try it you'll never know.
Sit West on Tuesday and pass throughout on Board 17 for a
joint top with all other Librans who follow this advice. Lucky
lead against 2: eight of clubs.
Prepare for a momentous decision around the 14th. Your destiny is in your own hands, but if it's any help, LHO is 4243 and has falsecarded.
Confusion on Wednesday when a misunderstanding about a call for the next round leaves you 50 out of pocket. On the bright side, a tip-off to the local constabulary towards the end of the evening should increase the vacancies in (and your chances of selection for) the club A team.
Leads are fraught with danger. Best to bid again if you think it may be cheaper than letting through a no-play game. Lucky half-time snack in the NICKO: Mr Kipling's Apple Pies (but make sure your opponents aren't fellow Capricorns before offering them any).
Humiliation on Friday afternoon when, after debating a
costly revoke with partner against 4
redoubled, you forget to cut your losses by claiming 150
honours. But don't worry, there is a pretty guard squeeze for
an overtrick on the next hand to cheer you up. Lucky book on
guard squeezes: "Squeeze Play Made Easy" by Reese and
Don't let coming bottom for the second week running bother you. Matters will improve towards the end of the month provided you hire a professional to partner you. Lucky professional: John Young.