In each of the following hands, select a lead. The auctions in 1-6 are uncontested, while 7 8 are round the table. Entries should be submitted to either editor before the end of March. Based to some extent on a concensus view, our judges will award seven marks for the choice of lead, and a further three for reasoning (which should not be unnecessarily long - a one word explanation may suffice!). Feel free to comment if the form of scoring (or vulnerability) matters.
1. Q1053 Q92 K108 AQ10 Pairs, love all. 1-1-1NT. The 1NT rebid shows 12-14, and opponents open the higher of two four card suits.
2. J53 J873 A1087 Q7 Pairs, unfavourable. 1-4.
3. 43 K84 J74 J10974 Pairs, game all. 1-2, 3-3, 4-4, 4NT-5, 5NT-6,6. 3 was alerted as possibly short, 4 as a cue bid. 5 showed three aces.
4. Q73 QJ82 A1084 K4 Pairs, unfavourable. 1-1, 3.
5. 742 5 9853 AQ1074 Pairs, love all. 1-2, 2-3, 4.
6. K10x K9865 QJ9x x Teams, love all. 1-1, 2-2NT, 3NT.
7. KJ1087 5 8652 AK8 Pairs, love all. 1-1-2-P, 3NT.
8. 854 J972 2 AKQJ2 Pairs, unfavourable. 1-P-2-X, 3-3-4-5, 5-P-P-6, X.
The results are here.