Cambs and Hunts Open Swiss Teams

by Julian Foster

A disappointing 26 teams gathered at the Bedford Lodge Hotel on 3rd November to do battle in this event. Anyone with any ideas why we were 12 teams down on last year, please let us know so we can take it into account next year.

My own team got off to a flying start with a 20-0 win despite my partner arriving late which meant I had to play the first four boards with the director's wife. The second match was equally uneventful when our teammates pointed out that one of the boards we'd played had 14 spades and 12 diamonds and the next had 12 spades and 14 diamonds! None of us had noticed this, not even declarer holding sA10x when LHO switched to...s10! We ended up winning 19-1, which propelled us to table one where we played last year's winners. We soon fell from grace, making a complete mess of defending this hand.

S A10
H J10x
D Q9xx
C A9xx
S 862
H A9xx
D Axx
W         E
S KJ753
H Kx
D J10
C 6532
S Q94
H Q9xx
D Kxxx
C K10

[Presumably nobody noticed the two h9s this time - Ed.] South played in 3NT doubled by West after East had overcalled 1s.

West led s6 to the A, 3, 4. East was giving count but West took it as attitude. The hJ was ducked and then the h10 went to the K. East continued with the sJ which declarer took and knocked out the hA on which East carelessly pitched the c2 signalling for diamonds. A low diamond ran to the king, and after the c10 was led and held (!), declarer cashed the cK and led a diamond up. West ducked, so declarer had the dQ plus two club tricks to make the contract. Not an easy one to explain to teammates!

The best two teams on paper appropriately enough ended up doing battle on table one in the last round. The most decisive swing came from:

Love All
S Qx
H Jx
D xxxx
C AKxxx
Dealer E
S Ax
H 109xxx
D Q109xxx
C -
W         E
S KJxxxx
H Qxxx
D -
C Qxx
S 10xx
C Jxxxx
   E       S       W       N   
2d* X P 3c
P 3NT all pass

The 2d opener was a multi, and 3c showed extra values (Lebensohl).

West`s d10 met a depressing discard from partner. Declarer ducked a club, but West discarded a low diamond, asking for a heart, when he could have thrown the dQ, which would have made clear he wanted a spade switch. Thus East didn't cash the six spades, and that was 11 imps gone and the match.

The final standings can be found overleaf. Particular thanks must go to David Man for doing the vast majority of the organising.