15th June 2004
- Corwen Trophy & Pachabo Cup - home page and results page.
8th June 2004
- Details of Newmarket Open Swiss Teams 2004
- Prize winners from Jubilee Swiss Pairs.
25th May 2004
- Added link to Huntingdon Bridge Club's web site.
- Results from recent one day green point events.
15th May 2004
- CAMBRIDGE 4 beat BALSHAM 1 in division 3.
11th May 2004
2nd May 2004
- HUNTINGDON 4 beat HUNTINGDON 5 in division 4.
1st May 2004
- More league results in division 3.
29th April 2004
- UNIVERSITY 1 beat UNIVERSITY 2; ELY 1 win division 1.
27th April 2004
23rd April 2004
- Newsletter 37 has been
- THURSDAY 3 beat HUNTIGDON 3 in division 3.
21st April 2004
- BALSHAM 1 draw with SAFFRON WALDEN 2 in division 3.
- Chris Jagger & Ian Pagan finish 5th in the National Pairs.
19th April 2004
- JAGGER wins County Knockout.
16th April 2004
- County Plate results
- Good results from Easter Congress
28th March 2004
19th March 2004
- More league results.
- Final ECL match vs Suffolk.
11th March 2004
10th March 2004
- The County Knockout final will be JAGGER v CHAPMAN.
7th March 2004
- More league results.
- Good results in the National Women's Teams and Harrogate Congress.
2nd March 2004
28th February 2004
- More league results.
- First round results from the County Plate.
24th February 2004
- County Pairs result.
- More league results.
18th February 2004
15th February 2004
14th February 2004
- ELY 1 neat UNIVERSITY 1 in division 1 of the league.
7th February 2004
5th February 2004
- More league results.
- Detailed results for division 4 show totals from both matches where
home and away results are known. These might be shown separately
in future.
2nd February 2004
- ECL result vs Bedfordshire.
- Good results in the National Men's & Women's Pairs (home page and
results page).
28th January 2004
- More league results, including correction for SAFFRON WALDEN 3 v
- County Individual result.
23rd January 2004
- ELY 3 beat HUNTINGDON 1.
- ELY 2 have withdrawn from the league.
- Graham Dolan won the Multiple Teams at the Online Congress (results
20th January 2004
18th January 2004
11th January 2004
6th January 2004
- SHIRE HALL 2 beat THURSDAY 2 in division 2.
- Newsletter 36 is published.
29th December 2003
21st December 2003
13th December 2003
11th December 2003
7th December 2003
5th December 2003
2nd December 2003
- More league and County Knockout results.
1st December 2003
- Cambs & Hunts qualify for Tolle final.
- More league results.
24th November 2003
- ECL results vs University.
- More details on Garden Cities.
- BALSHAM 2 beat THURSDAY 3 in division 3.
19th November 2003
- SAFFRON WALDEN 1 beat SHIRE HALL 1 in division 1.
- Early results from the County Knockout.
15th November 2003
- HUNTINGDON 1 beat SHIRE HALL 2 in division 2.
13th November 2003
- UNIVERSITY 2 beat CAMNRIDGE 1 in division 1.
10th November 2003
5th November 2003
- SAFFRON WALDEN 1 beat CAMBRIDGE 1 in division 1.
31st October 2003
- THURSDAY 1 drew with UNIVERSITY 1 in division 1.
28th October 2003
- Correction of split ties and ascenders' winners at Newmarket.
27th October 2003
26th October 2003
- Results from the EBU Autumn Congress.
24th October 2003
- CAMBRIDGE 2 beat SHIRE HALL 2 in division 2.
12th October 2003
11th October 2003
- Updated Cambs and Hunts league with final information on teams and
players entered.
- CAMBRIDGE 4 beat THURSDAY 3 in division 3.
- Great Northern Swiss Pairs result.
- Results from September One Day Green Point events.
28th September 2003
- Added Dorothy Connor to list of Bridge Teachers.
18th September 2003
16th September 2003
20th August 2003
- More results from Brighton on the results
10th August 2003
- Chris Jagger came 4th in the Swiss Pairs at the Brighton Congress.
- More good results on the results page.
23rd July 2003
- Good result from Roger Courtney & Robin Cambery in the Swiss
Teams at the Mid Wales Congress (results
18th July 2003
- Added the welcome pack to the home page.
15th July 2003
28th June 2003
- THURSDAY 2 beat THURSDAY 3 to remain the only undefeated team in the
Cambs & Hunts League.
- Provisional calendar for 2002/2003 published.
- Updated web site to archive 2002 / 2003.
26th June 2003
- Chris Jagger qualifies for Open Pairs semi-final at European
Championships (home page).
- League results in divisions 2, 3 and 4. Divisions 2 and 4 completed.
24th June 2003
22nd June 2003
- CAMBRIDGE 1 beat ELY 1 to win division 1
of the Cambs & Hunts League.
- Further results in division 2.
17th June 2003
- Cambs & Hunts 4th in Pachabo.
- Rod & Sue Oakford 5th in Corwen; Joanne Caldwell & Kevin
Smith 8th.
9th June 2003
- Catherine Jagger played on the winning England team in the Lady Milne
7th June 2003
5th June 2003
Earlier updates
See updates in 2002 / 2003.